Print media remains strong according to new national survey

Last Updated 9/26/2023Posted in News, Business

Analyzing survey results of national survey of readers across the United States.

This year 14 members of the North American Mature Publishers Association published in a national survey during at least one month between February and July in 2023. These publications span across the United States, from the East to West coast, and from the northern to southern boarders. The goal of the survey was to help members understand where improvements can be made to serve our audiences and customers.  The survey was designed so that answers applied to the publication from which the survey was found. Participating publications have received the complete survey results as well as the results submitted from their publication’s promotion. This survey was comprised of 25 questions and submissions could be mailed in or completed online. NAMPA received a total of 1197 survey entries during the campaign, one participant will receive a $500 award.

About those that were surveyed

Those surveyed live across the United States. The survey asked their age, gender, annual household income and net worth. 

Annual household income. Under $40,000-36%, $40,000 to $100,000- 31%, Over $100,000-7%, Prefer not to say-24%.

Approximate Net Worth of respondents. Under $100,000-27%, $100 to $499,000- 20%, $500,000 to $1,000,000-9%, Over $1,000,000-5%, Prefer not to say-$37%

Reading habits.

  1. In what ways do you read this publication? (all that apply) In print-95%, on a computer-10%, on a smartphone or tablet- 6%. 
  2. How long do you normally hold onto a print issue? One to Two weeks- 50%, four weeks- 26%, more than four weeks- 19%, Don’t read in print- 3%.
  3. How much of this publication do you typically read? All or most-82%, some-16%, little or none- 1%

These results about reading habits indicate a high level of value and trust in what they are reading. Resulting in continued value to advertisers who's message is placed within them. 

Trusted print publications deliver results for their advertisers

Some key findings

  • High response to advertisements and more than half answered they have selected/purchased a product or service from an advertiser. 
  • Nearly all of those surveyed read the print publication(95%), 16% read online, showing overlap in reading habits and desire to consume online only content.
  • Print copies have a long shelf life.
  • Those surveyed value quality content, front cover and overall design, and readability.

The results show promising planned spending in the next 12 months. 

Eight of the survey questions asked were about purchasing plans for the next 12 months. Here are some quick indications of their future spending answered in Yes/No format. Planning to purchase a new or used car- 15%, international travel-23%, take a cruise 20%, use a financial planner in next 12 months-28%, make home improvements-42%, use legal services-22%.

Fourteen percent answered that they are planning to move in the next 12 months. Their follow up answers: to a similar or smaller home-41%, larger home-21%, Independent living community-25%, assisted living community-8%, Life Plan or Continuing care community-3%, adult child’s home-4%, other-8%.

Members of the North American Mature Publishers Association can use the national survey results and compare them to the results submitted by their readers. By doing this they can measure their work against a national audience. The hope of this survey is to help members understand how they can improve their publications to the benefit of their readers. 

Thank you to all of those that completed the survey. 

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